Friday, March 2, 2012

Virus Chain

Have you ever learn the food chain episode in Science year 5?
I think you already.
Now its not the food chain,
But its the virus or sickness chain!
Ehem, or something like that.
Okay, i'm have fallen in chickenpox illness.
Thats doesnt matter..
Actually,its matter.
Wanna see the sickness chain?
Sure sissy!

Start from my friend's brother,
And then my friend,
And then me,
And the next one is my brother,
And... my sissy.

Serious thing and i'm gonna sleep.
(sleep while writing for 5 minutes)





Friday, February 10, 2012

What's make you beautiful

Suddenly i'm going to talk something really serious thing.
You know what it is?
Think about what make you beautiful.
Like what Mat Luthfi said,
Many people can be beautiful in just outside,
but not inside their heart.
If u wanna be a muslimah, be a great one in the world.
Try to be beautiful inside your heart.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Anoyying Subject

Hello Guys! Well skunk dah cakap bahasa inggeris ea. Okay,back to the topic, anoyying subject! If people tell you like this :

A: Hey, u know what?
B: What?
A: Guess what?

If somone told me like that, i will do the following things:

  • Say "Dont tell me that u already eat my telephone!" (sambil buat muka serious)
  • Senyap je sambil cakap " Dont wanna to know! "
Ok! please respond to this post what will u do if people say u like the following here: |


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Taylor Swift !!!

cikgu:Hai murid-murid , husna:hai cikgu, alia:ye la tu.. Ketua kelas:bangun !!! selamat pagi cikgu !!! semua murid:(bangun) selamat pagi cikgu !!! Cikgu:ok,hari ni cikgu nak seseorang nyanyi lagu.. husna:saya cikgu!!!!(dengan nada yang gembira) cikgu:tak... alia:saya cikgu !!! cikgu: alia !! alia:(kedepan) cikgu saya nak nyanyi lagu taylor swift speak now !! cikgu:ok Lima Minit Kemudian..... alia:terima kasih... cikgu:bagus alia... cikgu:alia,sebenarnya cikgu ni kawan taylor swift !! alia:aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!(lalu pengsan) cikgu:bawa alia ke klinik mini !! semua murid:baik,baik.. Tiga Minit Kemudian.. alia:(buka mata) doktor dimana saya berada? alia:(bangun)aaaaaa !!!!! alia:TAYLOR SWIFT!!!!! alia:ambil kertas dan pen(minta tanda tangan dan photo) Cikgu:ish3

Saturday, January 1, 2011



boleh baca ape yang saya tulis?
sekarang saya tak ade mood,pendek cerita tengok gambar ni....

thanks for the birthday wish

saya dan abang

seronok sangat